Hugh and I went on a big walk today to Luigi's castle - it is about 2 hour return trip mostly along the river but with some nasty hilly bits at the end. Luigi is actually leasing it from the government and has only fixed the roof so far - it is very isolated and would take a lot of money to restore properly. It is first mentioned in historical records in 1212, although it is thought that it may have exisisted earlier, and was called Castiglion Balzetti although it is more commonly called "il Castello di Castiglion che Dio sol sa" which I think means the castle that only God knows. The pink splodge in the picture is me pretending to be Juliet. I have a photo of Romeo saved for another time.
This morning we also took a short drive to the other castle one can see from Luigi's house which is called Spannochia which has some nice turrets as you can see and is still lived in. In the Middle Ages these towers were dotted across the hills and could signal to each other if enemies were approaching. I'm not sure what you would do about it then though! The flowers in the woods are quite lovely - we have seen about 6 species of orchid in flower which is making us very happy. It is getting very warm - I wish I had packed more than one pair of shorts. Better head off for my siesta now. Ciao!
I want to live in a castle. Are there any weapons inside?
LOL at Nick's comment! thanks for the Castle photos K2. Poor you - having to put up with Hugh with no internet. Jane was beside herself trying to fix it - in italy! We did have some funny messages once he was on-line again.
Great photos, your "washing hosue" looks so sweet with the flowers on the wall.
OK Juliette, enjoy the forest and the castles and the wining and dining. Looking forward to the photos of Romeo!!!!
Ciao babe!
Sorry Nick no weapons but plenty of insects buzzing around. Yes it is rather gorgeous and has a wonderful little courtyard - you can almost see all the people living and working in the castle in the good old days!
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