Today was a big day out. We went to the lovely Museum of Rome's Palazzo Massimo and saw fantastic Roman mosiacs and a spectacular fresco from the House of Livia (wife of Augustus). Then we visited the baths of Diocletian which I had never managed to see before due to some hidden entrances. There were 2 lovely courtyards, one designed by Michelangelo and one with pretty irises.
Then Liz expressed a desire to see a lot of Churches - she said she was sick of shopping! So we saw the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, then the Basilica of San Giovanni, then the Church of Santi Quattro Coronati, where we listened to very soothing singing by the nuns. Now although we have a 3 church a day rule, Liz insisted on visiting the Church of San Clemente because it was open and we were going past (another rule). However it turns out that she doesn't like damp underground places that you can't escape from because of slow, old German tourist groups who are in the way and who do not suffer from claustrophobia.
We were a bit tired then and needed lots of Campari and sodas to restore our strength.
Is that a NEW necklace I see? (I have pointed the girls in the right direction and sent them the url for this blog) X
Hi Sharron yes indeed - this is the necklace that Liz bought me - nice hey?
Yes - keep the posts coming - but can we see some shots of "non-historical" Rome but? where the real people live?
Are you joking? I didn't come here to see where the real people live - I came here to live out my fantasies.
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